A podcast on the Westminster Larger Catechism, hosted by PCA Teaching Elders (Ministers) Matt Adams, Derrick Brite, Nick Bullock, Sean Morris, and Stephen Spinnenweber. Connect with us on X (Twitter) at: https://twitter.com/WLC4Life Connect with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LargerForLife/ Visit our host organizations at www.brite-va.org and www.bts.education
Monday Jan 15, 2024
WLC Questions #33-35, Part 2
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #33-35 (N.B.: this is part 2 of 2 on WLC #33-35):
Q. 33. Was the covenant of grace always administered after one and the same manner?
A. The covenant of grace was not always administered after the same manner, but the administrations of it under the Old Testament were different from those under the New.
Q. 34. How was the covenant of grace administered under the Old Testament?
A. The covenant of grace was administered under the Old Testament, by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the passover, and other types and ordinances, which did all foresignify Christ then to come, and were for that time sufficient to build up the elect in faith in the promised messiah, by whom they then had full remission of sin, and eternal salvation.
Q. 35. How is the covenant of grace administered under the New Testament?
A. Under the New Testament, when Christ the substance was exhibited, the same covenant of grace was and still is to be administered in the preaching of the word, and the administration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s supper; in which grace and salvation are held forth in more fullness, evidence, and efficacy, to all nations.
Monday Jan 08, 2024
WLC Questions #33-35, Part 1
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #33-35 (N.B.: this is part 1 of 2 on WLC #33-35):
Q. 33. Was the covenant of grace always administered after one and the same manner?
A. The covenant of grace was not always administered after the same manner, but the administrations of it under the Old Testament were different from those under the New.
Q. 34. How was the covenant of grace administered under the Old Testament?
A. The covenant of grace was administered under the Old Testament, by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the passover, and other types and ordinances, which did all foresignify Christ then to come, and were for that time sufficient to build up the elect in faith in the promised messiah, by whom they then had full remission of sin, and eternal salvation.
Q. 35. How is the covenant of grace administered under the New Testament?
A. Under the New Testament, when Christ the substance was exhibited, the same covenant of grace was and still is to be administered in the preaching of the word, and the administration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s supper; in which grace and salvation are held forth in more fullness, evidence, and efficacy, to all nations.
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
In today's special episode of Larger for Life, Matt, Stephen, and Sean sit down with Jonathan Cruse and Andrew Miller to chat about their recently published devotional book on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Glorifying and Enjoying God: 52 Devotions through the Westminster Shorter Catechism published by Reformation Heritage Books.
Join us for this good-hearted and encouraging discussion!
(Stay tuned to the end for information on a free giveaway and how you can enter to win!)
Monday Dec 25, 2023
WLC Questions #31-32
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #31-32:
Q. 31. With whom was the covenant of grace made?
A. The covenant of grace was made with Christ as the second Adam, and in him with all the elect as his seed.
Q. 32. How is the grace of God manifested in the second covenant?
A. The grace of God is manifested in the second covenant, in that he freely provideth and offereth to sinners a mediator, and life and salvation by him; and requiring faith as the condition to interest them in him, promiseth and giveth his Holy Spirit to all his elect, to work in them that faith, with all other saving graces; and to enable them unto all holy obedience, as the evidence of the truth of their faith and thankfulness to God, and as the way which he hath appointed them to salvation.
Monday Dec 18, 2023
WLC Question #30
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #30:
Q. 30. Doth God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?
A. God doth not leave all men to perish in the estate of sin and misery, into which they fell by the breach of the first covenant, commonly called the covenant of works; but of his mere love and mercy delivereth his elect out of it, and bringeth them into an estate of salvation by the second covenant, commonly called the covenant of grace.
Monday Dec 11, 2023
WLC Questions #28-29
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #28-29:
Q. 28. What are the punishments of sin in this world?
A. The punishments of sin in this world are either inward, as blindness of mind, a reprobate sense, strong delusions, hardness of heart, horror of conscience, and vile affections; or outward, as the curse of God upon the creatures for our sakes, and all other evils that befall us in our bodies, names, estates, relations, and employments; together with death itself.
Q. 29. What are the punishments of sin in the world to come?
A. The punishments of sin in the world to come, are everlasting separation from the comfortable presence of God, and most grievous torments in soul and body, without intermission, in hell-fire forever.
Monday Dec 04, 2023
WLC Questions #26-27
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #26-27:
Q. 26. How is original sin conveyed from our first parents unto their posterity?
A. Original sin is conveyed from our first parents unto their posterity by natural generation, so as all that proceed from them in that way are conceived and born in sin.
Q. 27. What misery did the fall bring upon mankind?
A. The fall brought upon mankind the loss of communion with God, his displeasure and curse; so as we are by nature children of wrath, bond slaves to Satan, and justly liable to all punishments in this world, and that which is to come.
Monday Nov 27, 2023
WLC Question #25
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #25:
Q. 25. Wherein consisteth the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell?
A. The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell, consisteth in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of that righteousness wherein he was created, and the corruption of his nature, whereby he is utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite unto all that is spiritually good, and wholly inclined to all evil, and that continually; which is commonly called original sin, and from which do proceed all actual transgressions.
(Stay tuned to the end for information on a free giveaway and how you can enter to win!)
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Special Episode: Interview with T. David Gordon
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
*A special bonus episode to help pass the time on your holiday road trip or while you're sitting endlessly on the airport runway*
In today's special episode of Larger for Life, Sean is joined by Brad Isbell of Presbycast, and they sit down with Dr. T. David Gordon, who is now retired from Grove City College, to chat about two of his well-known popular books: Why Johnny Can't Preach and Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns.
Recording live from the Reformation & Worship Conference hosted at Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs, Georgia, Dr. Gordon took some time to talk about what prompted him to write these two books, the state of preaching and congregational singing in the Reformed church (and the church more broadly) and whether things have improved, and how Christians might continue to thoughtfully labor for greater growth in these areas.
Be sure to listen on this fascinating, good-hearted, and encouraging discussion!
Monday Nov 20, 2023
WLC Question #24
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #24:
Q. 24. What is sin?
A. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, any law of God, given as a rule to the reasonable creature.
(Stay tuned to the end for information on a free giveaway and how you can enter to win!)
Monday Nov 13, 2023
WLC Questions #21-23
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #21-23:
(Apologies for some of the lower-quality microphone audio. We experienced some technical difficulties with a few of the microphones and didn't realize it until after the episode had been recorded)
Q. 21. Did man continue in that estate wherein God at first created him?
A. Our first parents being left to the freedom of their own will, through the temptation of Satan, transgressed the commandment of God in eating the forbidden fruit; and thereby fell from the estate of innocency wherein they were created.
Q. 22. Did all mankind fall in that first transgression?
A. The covenant being made with Adam as a public person, not for himself only, but for his posterity, all mankind descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him in that first transgression.
Q. 23. Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?
A. The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery.
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Special Episode: Interview with Chad Van Dixhoorn
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
In today's special episode of Larger for Life, Sean is joined by Brad Isbell of Presbycast, and they sit down with Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn of Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte) to chat about all things Larger Catechism related.
Recording live from the Reformation & Worship Conference hosted at Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs, Georgia, Dr. Van Dixhoorn took some time to talk about his own studies and research on the Westminster Assembly, the historical background leading up to the work of the Assembly, the place of the Larger Catechism in the body of materials produced by the Westminster Divines, and the use and impact of the Larger Catechism in Presbyterianism more broadly.
Be sure to listen on this fascinating, good-hearted, and encouraging discussion!
Monday Oct 30, 2023
WLC Questions #18-20
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #18-20:
Q. 18. What are God’s works of providence?
A. God’s works of providence are his most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all his creatures; ordering them, and all their actions, to his own glory.
Q. 19. What is God’s providence towards the angels?
A. God by his providence permitted some of the angels, willfully and irrecoverably, to fall into sin and damnation, limiting and ordering that, and all their sins, to his own glory; and established the rest in holiness and happiness; employing them all, at his pleasure, in the administrations of his power, mercy, and justice.
Q. 20. What was the providence of God toward man in the estate in which he was created?
A. The providence of God toward man in the estate in which he was created, was the placing him in paradise, appointing him to dress it, giving him liberty to eat of the fruit of the earth; putting the creatures under his dominion, and ordaining marriage for his help; affording him communion with himself; instituting the Sabbath; entering into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience, of which the tree of life was a pledge; and forbidding to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon the pain of death.
(Stay tuned to the end for information on a free giveaway and how you can enter to win!)
Monday Oct 23, 2023
WLC Questions #15-17
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #15-17:
Q. 15. What is the work of creation?
A. The work of creation is that wherein God did in the beginning, by the word of his power, make of nothing the world, and all things therein, for himself, within the space of six days, and all very good.
Q. 16. How did God create angels?
A. God created all the angels spirits, immortal, holy, excelling in knowledge, mighty in power, to execute his commandments, and to praise his name, yet subject to change.
Q. 17. How did God create man?
A. After God had made all other creatures, he created man male and female; formed the body of the man of the dust of the ground, and the woman of the rib of the man, endued them with living, reasonable, and immortal souls; made them after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness; having the law of God written in their hearts, and power to fulfill it, and dominion over the creatures; yet subject to fall.
Monday Oct 16, 2023
WLC Question #14
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #14:
Q. 14. How doth God execute his decrees?
A. God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence, according to his infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of his own will.
Monday Oct 09, 2023
WLC Question #13
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #13:
Q. 13. What hath God especially decreed concerning angels and men?
A. God, by an eternal and immutable decree, out of his mere love, for the praise of his glorious grace, to be manifested in due time, hath elected some angels to glory; and in Christ hath chosen some men to eternal life, and the means thereof: and also, according to his sovereign power, and the unsearchable counsel of his own will (whereby he extendeth or withholdeth favor as he pleaseth), hath passed by and foreordained the rest to dishonor and wrath, to be for their sin inflicted, to the praise of the glory of his justice.
Monday Oct 02, 2023
WLC Question #12
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #12:
Q. 12. What are the decrees of God?
A. God’s decrees are the wise, free, and holy acts of the counsel of his will, whereby, from all eternity, he hath, for his own glory, unchangeably foreordained whatsoever comes to pass in time, especially concerning angels and men.
(Stay tuned to the end for information on a free giveaway and how you can enter to win!)
Monday Sep 25, 2023
WLC Question #11
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #11:
Q. 11. How doth it appear that the Son and the Holy Ghost are God equal with the Father?
A. The Scriptures manifest that the Son and the Holy Ghost are God equal with the Father, ascribing unto them such names, attributes, works, and worship, as are proper to God only.
A few recommended Systematic Theological resources as mentioned at the end of the episode, especially as pertains to our discussion of God as Trinity:
Athanasius, Select Works
Augustine, On the Trinity
John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book One
Petrus van Mastricht, Theoretical-Practical Theology, Volume 2: Faith in the Triune God
Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, Volume 1
Wilhelmus à Brakel, The Christian's Reasonable Service, Volume 1: God, Man, and Christ
Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 2: God and Creation
Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology
Douglas F. Kelly, Systematic Theology (Volume 1): The God Who Is - The Holy Trinity
Monday Sep 18, 2023
WLC Question #10
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Question #10:
Q. 10. What are the personal properties of the three persons in the Godhead?
A. It is proper to the Father to beget the Son, and to the Son to be begotten of the Father, and to the Holy Ghost to proceed from the Father and the Son from all eternity.
Monday Sep 11, 2023
WLC Questions #8 and 9
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
In this episode of Larger for Life, our hosts continue their study and discussion through the Catechism, this time examining Westminster Larger Catechism Questions #8 and 9:
Q. 8. Are there more Gods than one?
A. There is but one only, the living and true God.
Q. 9. How many persons are there in the Godhead?
A. There be three persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one true, eternal God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory; although distinguished by their personal properties.
(Stay tuned to the end for information on a free giveaway and how you can enter to win!)